Saturday, April 28, 2018


I sure do love to pose! I learned how to pose for pictures from Lucy and it's so much fun to do! 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Planting Flowers With Daddy!

A few weeks ago Daddy brought home flower seeds for us to plant in a little flower pot. It was so much fun! We got to put potting soil in it, put the seeds in, and then water it. We've kept the pot inside sitting in the sun and I now have flowers growing! They haven't bloomed yet, but there's lot of flowers that have shot up from the dirt. It's really neat! Thanks for helping me plant flowers, Daddy! I love you! Oh, and you can watch me plant the flowers here!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Fun In The Sun!

One day a few weeks ago it was really nice and sunny outside so I wore my sunglasses! Mommy took this picture of me and I think it's really cute! And I have on a new shirt that Mommy got me, too! It was such a fun day playing in the sun!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

My Pretty Hat

Isn't this a pretty hat?! Mommy said it was hers when she was growing up and now I get to play with it. I love to wear it and look so pretty in it!

Monday, April 16, 2018

My Big Girl Bed!

I now sleep in a big girl bed and it's so much fun! Mommy and Daddy have been talking about me sleeping in a big girl bed for a while and it happened Saturday night! Daddy bought my mattress Saturday afternoon and they set it up for me to sleep in that night! It's so big and it so, so soft and comfy! I love it! I got some really pretty ice cream cone sheets to go with it, too! Mommy has ordered my bedspread and that should be here later this week, along with my new headboard. I can't wait for it to get here! Mommy said we could also redecorate my room a little, too! I'm excited for her to help me with that because she's a good decorator! I love my new big girl bed! You can watch me playing on it here!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Poppy's Tractor

I got to ride in Poppy's tractor a few weeks ago and it was a lot of fun! His tractor was so big and it was neat to ride in it. I sure do love my Poppy!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Easter Egg Hunt

We had an Easter Egg hunt at Gumma and Poppy's house last weekend and it was a lot of fun! Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Nathan were there, which meant that Trevor and Cody were there, too. I sure do like playing with them! And we also got to color Easter eggs. I really had fun doing that, but the funnest part of the whole day was when I found an Easter egg hidden on Mommy and Daddy's car door handle. It was so, so, so, so funny! You can see me find it here!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Playing Catch With Daddy

Last weekend it was really nice, so we got to play outside! I love playing outside! Lucy and I were swinging and Mommy and Daddy were playing catch together. This was so neat because I've never seen them do this before. I wanted to play catch, so Mommy let me borrow her glove and I got to play catch with Daddy! You can watch us play here!